Current status 🏫

In October 2021, I started a PhD in Federated Learning between Inria Lille and the University of Twente. I am supervised by Jan Ramon (Inria Lille), Florian Hahn (UTwente) and Andreas Peter (UTwente/University of Oldenburg).

The goal of my thesis is to provide highly scalable and secure solutions for Federated Learning with a particular focus on resource-constrained devices (e.g. smartphones).

Research Interests 🔬

I have two main research interests are:

  1. Federated Learning, especially its security aspect. Hence, I read papers about SMPC, Homomorphic Encryption, Function Secret Sharing, etc. My intent isn’t to build highly complex ML systems but simply to propose generic secure building blocks for them.
  2. Searchable Encryption. This is a subject on which I worked during a previous research internship with Florian Hahn and Andreas Peter. I still have some results and ideas that will result in occasional publications on this subject.

More generally, my overall interest is in the privacy-preserving use of data.

Besides these technical interests, I am open to many other topics. Especially, I am looking forward to any insights on ethics or environmental evaluation of computer systems. These elements essentially contribute to my personal reflections about my long-term role as a computer scientist in world facing multiple crisis.

Publications 📝

  • M. Damie, J.-B. Leger, F. Hahn and A. Peter, ‘The statistical nature of leakage in SSE schemes and its role in passive attacks’, 2023 (Preprint)
  • M. Dijsklag, M. Damie, F. Hahn and A. Peter, ‘Passive query-recovery attack against secure conjunctive keyword search schemes’, ACNS 2022 (B)
  • M. Damie, F. Hahn, and A. Peter, ‘A Highly Accurate Query-Recovery Attack against Searchable Encryption using Non-Indexed Documents’, USENIX Security 21 (A*)

Awards 🏆

  • Nomination for the Dutch CyberSecurity Research Paper (i.e. top 3) with the paper ‘A Highly Accurate Query-Recovery Attack against Searchable Encryption using Non-Indexed Documents’


  • Sub-reviews: CCS 2024, PETS 2023, CODASPY 2022
  • Program committee: NDSS Artifact Evaluation 20{24,25}, PETS Artifact Evaluation 20{24,25}, USENIX Security Poster (2024)
  • Student representative at the University of Technology of Compiègne: Board of directors (2017-2021), CS department (2018-2019), Humanities department (2017-2019)